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Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you

Mediterranean Breakfast

Ingredients :  

  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tsp salt
  • dash of oregano
  • 1 tbsp olive oil or olive oil spray
  • 300-400 g watermelon
  • 3 eggs

Instructions :

1. Cut the tomatoes and the cucumber, and add them to a bowl
2. Add the oil, salt, and oregano, and set your salad mixture aside
3. Get a pan, and cook the eggs the way you like them (sunny side up/scrambled/omelet)
4. Season with some salt
5. While that is cooking, grab a bowl, and add your watermelon
6. Enjoy!!