What A Narcissistic Parent Might Look Like
Is my parent a narcissist?
Web MD defines narcissism as “extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings.
They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.” Here are some examples of what a narcissistic parent may look like:
What A Narcissistic Parent Looks Like:
1. Your mom/dad tends to buy you things and show her/his love through materialistic things. She/he is not the best at encouraging you, paying attention to you and your feelings, and listening to you.
2. Your mom/dad is not impressed by anything you do. No matter what you achieve, there is always something you need to do/get better at.
3. Your mom/dad is very judgmental and she/he tends to think that the outside/the exterior is what actually matters. How you look and how you appear is more important to her/him than how you feel.
4. Your mom/dad tends to make you feel bad in front of others in order for her/him to be the center of attention.
5. Your mom/dad calls you names, takes things that you care about away from you, and threatens you when you express your emotions and criticize her/him.
6. Your mom/dad tends to brag to other people about you and your accomplishments but degrades you when you are not around other people.
7. Your mom/dad tends to get angry or give you the silent treatment when things do not go her/his way. She/he tends to abuse you verbally or sometimes even physically.
8. Your mom/dad always blames other people. She/he never takes responsibility for her/his own actions, so when something does not work out, it is always someone else’s fault.
9. Your mom/dad thinks she/he knows THE best. She/he knows the solution for every single problem, and has an answer to anything and everything.
10. Your mom/dad does not listen to what you have to say when you are having an argument with her/him. She/he immediately raises her/his voice and cuts you off so that there is NO possibility of you being right about something.